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Web Performance eBook

A Beginner’s Guide to Web Performance is a free 20 page eBook covering all the basics of site speed & performance. Download it to be on the way to a faster website!
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Jan 9th 2014, 11:24, by material_doris

位在Spearwood(Fremantle附近,zone2) 1. 走路4分鐘到phoenix shopping centre(有Coles, Woolworth, big W, nab, 郵局, 麥當勞, hungry jack, KFC, red rooster…..)。 2. 走路6分鐘到站牌(881到city、920, 530到Fremantle) 3. 附近有工廠、亞超、很便宜的蔬果店(開車8分鐘) 4. 房東是OZ,人很幽默很好相處,練口語聽力超快速。

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